
PowerVolt Group believes that the company is known by the products it produces or supports. We provide our customers with vairous ways of obtaining information on products, technical assistance, support and also get their feedback. We encourage you as a customer or a prospective customer to contact us online for technical inquiries, quote/sample request and/or feedback.

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Mailing Address

(Do not mail payments to this address)

Powervolt Group

300 W. Factory Rd
Addison IL 60101-5004

Remittance Address

Powervolt Group

P.O Box 383
Addison IL 60101-5004

Ensign-Plant Location

Ensign Corp.

201 Ensign Road
Bellevue, Iowa 52031

 Phone Numbers

Toll Free: 1-888-797-8658

Sales: 630-628-9999

Fax: 630-628-9922

 Working Time

Monday - Friday

7.30am - 4.00pm

excluding holidays!

 Email Addresses

Customer Service: [email protected]

Orders: [email protected]

Sales: [email protected]

Account Receivable: [email protected]

Account Payable: [email protected]

Marketing: [email protected]

Technical Support: [email protected]

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